
Love statistics

This is exactly the reason why I absolutely love statistics. They are like life, they are just what you want them to be. Why?

Look at the figures: Austria has reportedly 20.000 weblogs. How came that figure? Did anyone count them? Nope. Is there a halfway safe method of estimating them? Nope. But how did they get the numbers?

Well, a funny french guy set up a wiki where everybody can write down nice things, because he had to talk about the European Blogosphere at a conference (however he ended up talking about French Bloggers anyway).

Now it is the merit of the Internet, that gifted you with a number. The one number to tell you how wonderful everything is.

Statistics. You gotta love them. And btw: yes Austria contributes only a tiny bit to the overall figure, but just take this as example how all the other figures might have been estimated...
Dieser Beitrag wurde am Montag, 17. Oktober 2005, 23:08 verfasst und hat 1 Kommentar. Sie können ihn kommentieren oder über Trackback sowie den Permalink darauf Bezug nehmen.

#   24. Okt, 18:08   Alexander Svensson