

YouTube is certainly the best known and most used Social Video service these days. But how about their future? That quote explains very well just what I thought yesterday:

Get sold. Not much of an option. Google has its own video setup. News Corp. has too many movie, music, and TV properties to buy a piracy-ridden site like YouTube. Microsoft just doesn't need the technology. The only hope may be Yahoo, where YouTube could complement Flickr and make Yahoo a stronger portal. And changing the title to "YahooTube" won't even raise anyone's eyebrows.

Considering their cash burn rate of about 1 million $ per month, this is definitely the only option. But there has to be an option, otherwhise nobody would invest another 25 million $.
Dieser Beitrag wurde am Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006, 20:10 verfasst und hat noch keine Kommentare. Sie können ihn kommentieren oder über Trackback sowie den Permalink darauf Bezug nehmen.