

At least I had to reboot several times this morning, as my really reliable Sony Vaio notebook, serving me well for over 2 years, made some hickups leading to continued rebooting. I blame Windows. As always, but whenever it comes to those machines, you can never be sure what or who is to blame.

Then it is also reboot8 () time. I'm not sure whether this year can anyhow be better than last year, because the surprise I felt being here last year was just to wonderful because my reboot7 experience happened accidentially.

probably it is generally a time to reboot, after some really intense days of work.
Dieser Beitrag wurde am Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2006, 12:24 verfasst und hat 1 Kommentar. Sie können ihn kommentieren oder über Trackback sowie den Permalink darauf Bezug nehmen.

#   27. Jun, 12:17   OliverG
Funny. Had the same effect the day I arrived in COP 4 reboot. And it 'fixed itself' when I booted the Laptop in Kedelhallen ;)