
It is all just history repeating

Heute früh habe ich noch vor dem Frühstück ein ganz interessantes Paper mit dem (für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten typischen Titel) "Knowledge Management technology and the reproduction of knowledge work practices" von Schultze / Boland gelesen (Zitierungen auf Google Scholar). Sehr interessantes Paper.

Vor allem weil es aus dem Jahr 2000 stammt und ein System beschreibt, welches mich nur allzu stark an vieles erinnert hat, was im Jahr 2006 hip und kultig ist. Es geht darin um ein System namens "KnowMor", das vermutlich schon lange wieder in der Schublade verschwunden ist. Die Kombination der Technologien und die Konzepte dahinter allerdings ist hochinteressant:

KnowMor was built on the premise that news only constituted information when a group of people agreed that it had relevance to their organisation. Its design therefore embodied an informing process of "alert - assess - escalate", also referred to as the "gatekeeper model". [The] task [of the gatekeeper] was to continuously scan the environment so as to be "alerted" to relevant news, to "assess" it, and to "escalate" it, i.e. pass onto others, if it had particular importance to the organization.
To support such gatekeeping, KnowMor "profiled" electronic newsfeeds from organizations like Reuters and Dow Jones according to a set of "keywords" defined for the entire organization. Such keywords included names of products, manufacturing processes, raw materials and competitors. Based on their interest and gatekeeping responsibilities, individual users selected keywords from the organizationally defined list. News alerts that contained keywords that matched a user's personal "interest profile" would then find their way to the user. If the user deemed the news alert significant, he/she could escalate it by increasing the "significance level" of the message and adding comments to it.

Klingt für mich nach einer Kombination von RSS, Google Alerts,, und einem haufen Weblogs mit einem Schuss Technorati.

Spannend auch die Conclusio des Papers:

"[With the implementation of KnowMor] the reponsibility of staying informed fell squarely into the indivdiual user's lap. With KnowMor, Jerry [a Competitive Intelligence Agent] would not have to inform others; they would have to inform themselves."

Dazu noch ein wenig soziale Prozesse, auf globaler (oder organisationaler) Ebene und: herzlich Willkommen Social Software.

Vermutlich war 2000 noch nicht die Zeit für soetwas.
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